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Teachers are private contractors.

All instructors are independent contractors and are not managed or scheduled through Hammond Ashley Violins. Many of the teachers maintain full studios, and may not have the capacity to return an inquiry promptly as a result. It is recommended to reach out to multiple teachers to find a teacher whose schedule may be compatible with your needs.



Kim Blanchard

Teacher headshot

Christie Chen

Headshot of a cello teacher, smiling at the camera.

Kate Henke


Teacher headshot

Caroline Faflak

Teacher headshot

Halle Bromberg

Teacher headshot

Helena Krimsky

Teacher headshot

Tamás Kocsis

Teacher headshot

Rick Neff

Person holding violin and looking over shoulder

Iris Chen

Teacher headshot

Eugene Bazhanov

Teacher headshot

Aubrey Burdock

Teacher headshot

Marcus Talley

Teacher headshot

Jenny McCrorey

Teacher headshot

Andrea Talley

Teacher headshot

Jenny Cho

Teacher headshot

Shelley Weiss

Teacher headshot

Winnie Dungy


Teacher headshot

Sophie Robinson

Teacher headshot

Winnie Dungy

Teacher headshot

Shelley Weiss

Teacher headshot

Rick Neff

Double Bass

Teacher headshot

Matt Hopper

Teacher headshot

Ramon Salumbides


Teacher headshot

Aaron Malver

Teacher headshot

Caroline Faflak